Le Logis Versaillais

[Replace with a quote about your property]


These general terms and conditions of sale govern all relations between, on the one hand, the company Orgeval Abbecourt, registered in the Trade and Companies Register of Versailles under the number 530 581 693 and having its registered offices at 28 rue des Etats Généraux – 78000 VERSAILLES, France, hereinafter referred to as “Le Logis Versaillais” and, on the other hand, persons wishing to make a purchase either directly on our website or through an intermediary, hereinafter referred to as “tThe Customer”. The parties hereby agree that their relations shall be governed exclusively by this agreement, to the exclusion of any terms or conditions that may have been accorded beforehand. Le Logis Versaillais reserves the right to amend its terms and conditions of sale at any time. The reservation of an Apartment in Le Logis Versaillais by the Customer shall, ipso facto, constitute unreserved acceptance of these general terms and conditions of sale.

1 - PURPOSE - The purpose of these terms and conditions is to define the parties' reciprocal obligations in the sale of stays at one of the Apartments proposed to the Customer by Le Logis Versaillais.

2 - ORDER - The Customer may place an order for a stay either directly on our website or by telephone to our customer relations department, or through the intermediary of a Marketer, such as Booking.com, TripAdvisor, or similar services. Any order shall constitute unreserved acceptance of the prices and descriptions of the apartments. The Customer acknowledges having examined and expressly represents accepting these general terms and conditions of sale prior to the validation of his or her order. The data recorded by Le Logis Versaillais at the time of the order constitutes valid proof of all transactions entered into between Le Logis Versaillais and tThe Customer.

3 – INFORMATION – The order is recorded on the basis of the details transmitted by tThe Customer (first name, last name, telephone number, postal address, e-mail address, payment card number, expiry date and name appearing on the payment card). The Customer declares and represents that these details are true and sincere. On arrival at Le Logis Versaillais, tThe Customer undertakes to present the originals of his or her passport or national identity card, together with the payment card used for the reservation. That failing, the reservation shall be cancelled and the entirety of the price will be due and payable.

4 -PRICE AND PAYMENT - Stays in an Apartment at Le Logis Versaillais are sold and provided at the price in force at the time the order was placed. The prices stated on our website and those of the Marketers are determined on the basis of the number of occupants stated at the time of the order. The presence of an additional occupant will increase the price by €25 per occupant, per night. Prices are given in Euro. The prices include the supply of bath linen and bed linen as required (sheets, duvet cover, pillow cases, bath mat, hand and bath towels), and unlimited access to an individual Wi-Fi connection per apartment. The prices are subject to VAT, currently at the rate of 10%. In addition there is a tourist tax (taxe de séjour), currently €2.30 per adult, per night. These amounts and taxes are payable by the Customer. Orders are payable in Euro by wire transfer or by bank card: VISA, MASTERCARD or AMERICAN EXPRESS. Whatever the method of payment used, the Customer's bank card information shall be transmitted, as guarantee, at the time of the order. In the event of payment by wire transfer, the Customer must provide proof to Le Logis Versaillais that the financial transaction has been carried out crediting the bank account of Le Logis Versailles, which will have communicated its bank details (IBAN) in advance. Validation of the order shall be subordinate to this transmission of the Customer's bank card details and, where relevant, proof of the wire transfer having been made. The tourist tax will be billed and debited on the day of the Customer's arrival. The remainder of the agreed price and any supplements and the VAT pertaining thereto will be billed and debited on the last day of the stay. Any payment on account or advance paid to Le Logis Versaillais shall be fully earned by it and cannot give rise to any repayment, except in the event of serious breach by the latter.

5 – RECEPTION AND WELCOME – The reception desk is open from Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., 365 days a year. Check-in and delivery of the keys to the Apartment and the badges for entry into the building and, where relevant, for the car park, shall be made on the first day of the stay, between 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. Check-out, verification of the condition of the apartment and return of the keys and badges will be made, at the latest, on the last day of the stay by 12 noon.

6 – OCCUPATION OF THE APARTMENTS. The Apartments are exclusively for residential use, to the exclusion of any professional, commercial, business or craft activity.

The Customer undertakes to occupy the Apartment in accordance with its maximum occupancy ratio as stated at the time of the order, with a standard of care of bonus paterfamilias (i.e. reasonably prudent), and to maintain good conduct, without committing any offence, damage, or abnormal disturbance (noise, music, etc.). Any damage caused shall be observed jointly between the parties at the time of checking out and will be invoiced by Le Logis Versaillais. Any disturbance observed by Le Logis Versaillais will be invoiced to the Customer at a fixed rate of €300, plus a complementary penalty of €50 per person present in the Apartment. At the absolute discretion of Le Logis Versaillais, any observed disturbance may justify the immediate early termination of the agreement, without this reducing the price set at the time of the order.

It is expressly forbidden to smoke in the Apartments and in the common areas of the buildings. Any breach of this rule will be invoiced, in addition to the price of the order, at 50 euros per day of the reservation.

Small pet animals are tolerated in the apartments, subject however to prior authorisation by Le Logis Versaillais and the availability of a suitable Apartment. The authorised presence of a small pet will be charged €20 per day by Le Logis Versaillais to the Customer. The Customer undertakes never to leave the animal alone in an apartment, and shall be liable for any damage caused by his or her animal.

The maximum apartment occupancy, during the day, is determined as follows: 4-bed Apartment: maximum 6 persons; 2-bed Apartment: maximum 4 persons. In the event of infringement of this rule concerning the occupancy of the apartments, all occupants of the apartment must vacate the apartment immediately and the presence of persons exceeding the maximum occupancy rate defined above shall be charged to the Customer by Le Logis Versaillais at a price of €50 per person in excess. At the absolute discretion of Le Logis Versaillais, such an infringement may cause the immediate early termination of the agreement, without this reducing the price set at the time of the order.

Two types of spare bed are at the disposal of Customers, according to availability: a baby bed at a price of €10 per night and an extra bed, size 80 x 180 cm, at a price of €20 per night.

7 – PARKING. Le Logis Versaillais has parking places available to it in a private underground car park located 140 metres away, accessible at all times, 24 hours a day. Subject to availability, tThe Customer may reserve a parking place which will be charged by Le Logis Versaillais at a rate of €15 per day. If reserved and available, Le Logis Versaillais will provide the Customer with an access badge for the car park. The Customer shall be solely responsible for his or her vehicle and for the driving of it, without any claim or recourse against Le Logis Versaillais.

8 – LOSS OF KEYS OR BADGES. Failure to return the keys or badges will be charged to the Customer by Le Logis Versaillais at the following prices: Apartment key: €40 per key – Building access badge: €20 per badge – Car park access badge: €99 per badge.

9 - AVAILABILITY - Our offers for stays and pricing are valid up to the limits of availability. If the apartment is not available, Le Logis Versaillais undertakes to inform the Customer as soon as it becomes aware of the unavailability. In the event of unavailability observed after the order has been placed, Le Logis Versaillais will credit the Customer's bank card, if it has already been debited, within a maximum of seven business days.

10 – NO RIGHT TO RETRACT - Orders placed remotely, by mail order, by telephone or over the internet, shall not grant the Customer the benefit of any cooling-off period or any right to retract, in accordance with Article L.221-2-12 of the French Consumer Code (code de la consommation).


a) In the event of a "refundable" price: The order may be cancelled up to 24 hours (or one clear day) before the agreed arrival date. For example, a stay which was to begin on the 13th may be cancelled on the 11th, up to midnight. After this cancellation time has passed, the total price of the order shall be owed to Le Logis Versaillais.

b) In the event of a "non-refundable" price: The entire price of the order shall be owed to Le Logis Versaillais, including in the event of cancellation.


If tThe Customer does not appear by 6 p.m. at the latest on the first day of the ordered stay, without informing the lessor or providing justification for the delay, the order shall be rescinded and Le Logis Versaillais will be entitled to dispose of the reserved apartment at its discretion.

In any event, including in the event of forewarning and/or justification, the advance paid by tThe Customer shall remain fully earned by Le Logis Versaillais and the remainder of the price of the order shall become immediately due and payable.


a)      In the event of a "refundable" price: If the change is made more than 24 hours before the agreed date of arrival, tThe Customer may, without charge, alter the dates of the stay and the number of residents, up to the limit of the Apartment occupancy ratio (see Article 6 - Availability).

However, neither a reduction in the number of residents nor an early departure from the Apartment will give rise to any reduction in the price agreed at the time of the order.

b)      In the event of a "non-refundable" price or if the change is made less than 24 hours before the agreed date of arrival:

-  Any increase in the number of residents will increase the price of the order by 25 euros per night and per person.

-  Any increase in the duration of the stay will depend on the availability of the Apartment, and Le Logis Versaillais shall bear no liability for any unavailability.

-  Any reduction in the number of residents shall not give rise to a reduction in the price of the order, which will remain at the price set at the time of the reservation.

-  Any reduction in the number of nights reserved shall not give rise to a reduction in the price of the order, which will remain at the price set at the time of the reservation.

14 –DURATION OF THE STAY- As stays are necessarily sold for a fixed duration, tThe Customer cannot under any circumstances rely on any purported right to remain in the premises at the end of the reserved duration.

15 - LIABILITIES – The photos of the apartments shown on our website and on the marketers' website are not contractually binding.

Le Logis Versaillais cannot be held liable in the event of any incident or accident occurring in its premises, or for any thefts suffered by the Customer in the apartments, the common areas or the car park.

Le Logis Versaillais cannot be held liable for any failure to perform the agreement in the event of force majeure, flood, fire, perturbation or strike (whether complete or partial), inter alia in transports and/or communication services, epidemic, or disturbances caused by third parties.

16 - DATA PROTECTION - The information communicated by the Customer is recorded by Le Logis Versaillais in a database to enable Le Logis Versaillais to process and carry out the Customer's order. Le Logis Versaillais treats all of this information with the greatest level of confidentiality. The gathered data are communicated only to members of Orgeval Abbecourt. The data shall be kept for a period of five years as of the most recent order. In accordance with the French Law on Computing and Civil Liberties (loi informatique et libertés) of 6 January 1978 and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, you have a right of access to the data concerning you, a right of rectification, the right to demand erasure, and the right to restrict processing of your data. To exercise these rights or for any question concerning the processing of your data under these rules, you may, by letter and including proof of your identity, contact Orgeval Abbecourt - 28, rue des Etats Généraux – 78000 VERSAILLES – France. You may consult the website cnil.fr for more information about your rights. If, after having contacted us, you consider that your data protection rights have not been respected, you may make a complaint to the French data protection agency, CNIL.