Publisher information

This site is published and operated by the company ORGEVAL ABBECOURT, a partnership (S.N.C.) with a registered capital of 1,000.00 euros
Its registered offices are located at 28 rue des États Généraux, Versailles (78000), France Registered in the Trade and Companies Register of Versailles, under number 530 581 693 Tax registration number: European VAT code FR 20530581693 Business sector code: 6810Z
Telephone No.: +33 7 62 17 14 05
E-mail address:

Publication director


Hosting information

The "Le Logis Versaillais" site is hosted by OVH, on a Pooled server operating on a LAMP system.
Telephone: 08 99 70 17 61
Registered offices: 2, rue Kellermann 59100 Roubaix – France Establishment registration number: 42476141900045
Trade register: Lille Métropole B 424761419 European VAT code: FR22424761419
Corporate form: société par actions simplifiée (simplified form limited company)
Registered capital: 10,000,000.00 Euros
For more information, please visit the website:
To contact the company, please use the e-mail address:


The information communicated by the Customer is recorded by Le Logis Versaillais in a database to enable Le Logis Versaillais to process and carry out the Customer's order. Le Logis Versaillais treats all of this information with the greatest level of confidentiality. The gathered data are communicated only to members of Orgeval Abbecourt. The data shall be kept for a period of five years as of the most recent order. In accordance with the French Law on Computing and Civil Liberties (loi informatique et libertés) of 6 January 1978 and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, you have a right of access to the data concerning you, a right of rectification, the right to demand erasure, and the right to restrict processing of your data. To exercise these rights or for any question concerning the processing of your data under these rules, you may, by letter and including proof of your identity, contact Orgeval Abbecourt - 28, rue des Etats Généraux – 78000 VERSAILLES – France. You may consult the website for more information about your rights. If, after having contacted us, you consider that your data protection rights have not been respected, you may make a complaint to the French data protection agency, CNIL.